Acanthophis Gore: Acanthophis Gore XXIII

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Acanthophis Gore XXIII

The NYTimes released a story last week that seemed to pass with little notice. It seems the IPCC has made a small error in it's reporting. Below is an excerpt from the article.

(link to full NYTimes article)
Leaders of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change apologized yesterday for making a "poorly substantiated" claim that Himalayan glaciers could disappear by 2035.
....the IPCC report relied on news accounts that appear to misquote a scientific paper that estimated the glaciers could disappear by 2350, not 2035.

"The damage was that IPCC had, or I think still has, such a stellar reputation that people view it as an authority -- as indeed they should -- and so they see a bullet that says Himalayan glaciers will disappear by 2035 and they take that as a fact," said, Arizona Prof. Jeffrey Kargel

Just so you know, I don't consider the IPCC an authority. I consider them incompetent fools who use fear mongering tactics to frighten us into making life altering changes both to our personal lives and our economy, transportation, food, education and employment. They work daily to steal our sovereignty and bring our citizens under the rule of a European based world governing body. So I have a bit of a problem saying that the IPCC is an authority on anything more than pure anti-Capitalist Marxism.

The problem here is not that they made a typo, the issue here is that a group of vipers who use lies of horror to force us into supporting their baleful agenda, tricked the world into thinking the melting was so rapid that it would be gone in 25 yrs. If you believe the left wing rhetoric passed along by the Mainstream media you will no doubt panic and believe or do what ever you can to stop it. However the truth is that their projections were off by 315 yrs. Not only does this make things a little less urgent but it also gives far less credence to their prediction.
e.g.: What if the local weather-man came on the news tonight and said that a huge storm with flash floods and tornados were expected on Saturday?! Would you feel a bit squeezed for time getting ready? Of course. However, what if the same weather-man warned you that the same terrible storm was imminent in 8 months?! Are you still as freaked out? Do you feel panicked? No. Of course you don't. You don't so readily believe him either. Most weather-men can't predict a storm two days away with any true accuracy so why would you believe he can tell what will happen in 8 months? I know climate predictions are different from meteorological predictions but the analogy still fits.

Leftists love to call me and others like me 'anti-Science' or 'Science Deniers'. Yet they denied science when DDT was saving lives around the world and they ignored the science and banned it anyway, resulting in the Malarial deaths of hundreds of millions of people. They were anti Science when they said heterosexual AIDS would sweep the nation and used similar scare tactics to force people into not only giving money but changing their opinions about social degradation and the natural abnormality of intravenous drug abuse and homosexuality. The left was anti science when they said we came from apes who originated in pond scum instead of supporting evidence that we are a unique being with direct ties to our creator. They are the Science Deniers when they say that man produced CO2 emissions caused the climate to warm. Then when 10 years of steady cooling occurred they said the interregnal, life sustaining ingredient to our Earth, 'CO2', was causing cooling also; so they re-named it, 'Climate Change'. And finally when we point out that life is sacred and should be protected at all stages in life they deny science and say the fetus is not a person and the old woman does not have an acceptable quality of life and both may be thrown away at the whim or convenience of others. So remember the next time a long haired smelly hippie crawls out of his 'flower power' van and says 'You' are anti Science or that you deny science.... it's ok to give him a swift kick to the groin.


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