Acanthophis Gore: Acanthophis Gore XXI

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Acanthophis Gore XXI

Today the Tennessee Center for Policy Research released a revealing report exposing more Al-Gore hypocrisy!
He preaches that we should all save the planet by conserving energy. Some Enviro-Nazis say we should reduce our energy consumption by not eating meat, selling our cars and riding a bike, cutting back on air travel and o'yeah not having babies.
So you would expect a man leading such loons to lead by example.
As I have reported before, we know Al Gore's mansion uses more electricity than some small towns.
So last year he made promises to reduce his personal carbon footprint. With that resolution behind him he went back to work promoting his socialist agenda to use global warming to wreck our economy, grow our govenment, remove our liberties and bring our energy policies under the control of world courts in foreign nations.

Well, it's a year later now Al, time to check the numbers and show the world how it's done.........


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